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How to get the most out of your angle grinder

If you work in the metalworking industry, you and your angle grinder are virtually inseparable. You know how versatile this handy tool is and you'll likely use it for many different jobs - from grinding to cutting and polishing. In conjunction with the right abrasives, angle grinders can help make this manual work easier.

To be sure you are getting the best possible results and getting the most out of your angle grinder, there are a few things to keep in mind. This includes the type of disc, the disc material and also the grit you need for the task at hand.

Versatile solutions

Angle grinders are small, easy to use, and get into tight spots. No wonder, then, that they are invaluable in metalworking. At Norton, we have identified eight key application processes for angle grinders used in metalworking today. These are:


high performance grinding

material removal

Editing and finishing material transitions


Surface preparation and cleaning

The finish



All these processes can be optimized by using the most suitable discs. But how do you know which product you need to increase efficiency and get a higher return on investment?


Norton performance solutions process guide

Norton angle grinder solutions

Our experts have put together a helpful brochure with our product solutions for angle grinders. In it, they present the best products for optimal machining of carbon steel, stainless steel and aluminum in every phase of the machining process. In addition, best-practice process steps for common applications in metalworking are described in detail. Depending on the metal to be machined, these examples will help you achieve the desired results in as few steps as possible. This includes work steps such as welding seam preparation and processing, removing paint and coatings and cutting with a professional finish.



Our expert tips will help you:

  • Finding real solutions based on application needs and requirements,

  • Get to know our latest product innovations,

  • Depending on the application needs, select a suitable high-performance product or a more cost-effective product,

  • Follow a step-by-step process to get the best possible results at every stage of the edit.

Norton RAG brochure grit size and process guide


Watch the video below on how to build a patio stove out of an old steel tank using our Norton range of abrasives for angle grinders . Let yourself be inspired and use the " Solutions for angle grinders " brochure to find the optimum product solution for every work step .


Training and demonstrations are available at our competence centers across Europe . If you would like to learn more about our solutions , please contact us or your local sales representative .